Our mission is to guide people of all backgrounds into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Who We Are

We are a community of friendly people who love Jesus and love you.
The service will be a combination of singing, Scripture reading, prayer and teaching from the Bible. Everything we do in a worship service is focused on God’s glory, and His Son, Jesus Christ. The singing, Scripture reading, prayer and teaching is all designed to declare the greatness of God and His Son, Jesus and to teach us how to be more obedient followers of his.
As a guest you will never be singled out in any way, be asked to speak, or put in an uncomfortable situation. We want you to come and feel at home.
For those who desire to take advantage of our childcare and Children’s Church, children who are babies through age 4 do not need to attend service; we have child care for them just down the hall. Children from age 5 through 5th grade are in the service until the teaching time, then they are dismissed for their own lesson. Occasionally, we have all Children age 5 through Grad 5 stay in the worship service for the whole service. If you prefer your children to stay in the worship service with you, that is perfectly fine.