
Our Mission

We want to come along-side pregnant women, to help them by loving, feeding, and educating them. By helping them prepare for the arrival of their little ones we hope to make friendships and show the love of Christ. Through this program we hope that these women will come to know and love the Lord.


As a denomination, as a church, as a believer we speak against abortion. But what are we doing to help stop it other than just saying it? What are we doing to help the women who choose to keep their baby? How do we help these moms make the decision to keep their baby when they are single, scared and low income?


Our Plan

  • We will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
    • The first meeting will be June 21 at 5:30 pm
  • We will have a free dinner, offer a class and let the moms get items from the pantry
    • Some of the classes: pre/post natal yoga, healthy cooking 101, baby first-aid, car seat savvy, how to bathe and change baby and couponing
    • shopping – similar to a food pantry


What we need

  • Prayer partners – pray for women to come, pray for gospel conversations and softened hearts, pray for donations to continue coming in, pray for future partnerships that provide formula and diapers, pray for educational classes ant the people who are teaching them
  • Volunteers for Tuesday night meetings: Set up help, meal prepping/serving, visiting with the women during the meal, helping with the shopping for items process and clean up
  • Donations of gently used or new items for mom and baby (we currently have an Amazon wishlist where items can be purchased and delivered to the church  – click on our Wishlist above.

We are praying for the women who will come to Momma’s Hope and the future generations that can come to know and love the Lord because of it. Please pray with us for the ripple effect that can come from one mom who would be considering abortion choosing to have a free meal with us and leaves wondering about this hope we have in Jesus.
